Monday, October 27, 2008

Carsten is Confirmed

Yesterday was another milestone in the life of Carsten. Maybe to him it wasn't as awesome as a driver's license or finishing another grade, but in the overall it is pretty important. Confirming your faith - more of the ground work put down, that as a parent, you hope they rely on and remember not only when they sail rough waters but also when they beam inside from a job well done - knowing they couldn't have done it alone!

The confirmands sang a song oft heard at Oak Valley, "Sanctuary.". One of Carsten's best buddies, Collin Kittelson, is on the clavinova. Such God given talent he has. I wanted to share it on the flip video

So as twelve more young adults marched farther into their own world of faith. I pray they never lose it but more importantly - always use it. God bless you Carsten.
Love, MOM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ella Bella

In early July our cat, Katman (last name: Du) failed to return to the nest, as he had so faithfully done after every outdoor excursion. We don't exactly know of his fate but think he tangled with a raccoon. We have had plenty in the "forest" behind the house.

Katman should have been named dogman, as he thought he was one. Or at least a litterboxless cat. In his ten years he never once did the indoor thing,that I can remember. He did start out as a farm cat and came to town with us in the summer of '99. I don't think I started a litter box then either. He would sit at the patio doors and wait, or come and get someone to let him out all with a plaintive meow. He also had a MO of waking me about 5:30 am, in which I would mechanically trot out to the dining room, open the door, and then crawl back into bed.

I miss the old black Katman.

I don't even have a good picture of him on this computer. I would have to jump through a few hoops to get one on here, so I will opt out.

Well around here we don't let catless gaps go for long. Lacy saw to that, yesiree! We acquired a replacement about the second day of school, on a long walk home. But not too far to carry a kitten with her.

Ella the cat arrives.

Now given my rule of one dog and one cat, I didn't have much ground to stake as my own,what with Katman AWOL. Over the years Lace has made many attempts to increase the feline population. One family even sent a litter box, with extra kitty litter and the kitty. Hard and fast I stood: one dog, one cat. So it was time to give in because after all we only had one dog and no cat.

It has been fun, even though I never really was a cat person. It is like having a toddler in the house. Every thing is of intense curiosity. She misses nothing and follows everything. Poor Buddy he takes it all in stride.

So far she is getting the drift of life around here. Cats are really routine like in nature and she is no exception. She too will come in at about 6:00 am give or take a few minutes and let it be known it is time for coffee and the newspaper. She sleeps on the back of the big armchair, where I sit while watching the news and reading the paper. It is the routine you know! She is learning to do the outdoors in short spurts. I don't know if I could handle a "roadkill" or "sailcat" event. So she comes out with us while were doing yard stuff and hops about looking for a bug. She has a wicked hunt to kill position. May be a good mouser someday.

Ella the cat stays.

Well now we have a dilemma, as Ella seems now to be more of a boy. That's okay as a neuter is cheaper than spay. But what about the name?? So we have been testing new monikers. I invariably call her/him kitty baby so it doesn't really matter too much as far as I am concerned. But maybe the best name is right under our nose and we didn't even realize it.

One vote for Ella Fella!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Another Trip to Fargo

Thursday, Friday and Saturday were spent in Fargo doing another three days of sorting, packing and throwing. Tom came from Chicago and it was work work work! Although he did take some furrowed brow time on his laptop to follow the stock market and its horrendous tumble. Friday afternoon he said, "this is unbelievable" - way too many times!! He is a heavy hitter in the market so it was rather a passive comment for someone who took a bashing.

It is a guess of about two more trips and we should have this house deal done. It only took a year. But let's not forget it took fifty-one years to rack up the booty. This trip was momentous in that it was the moving of Barbie and Ken.

I was given my first Barbie in 1961 when mom made a trip to the Mayo Clinic for her back. I requested a Revlon doll, as that what was what the girl across the street had. I was disappointed only for a short time.

Before the dust settled I had a Barbie, Ken, Allen, Midge, a Barbie with wigs, Skipper and her pal, I think, Tracy. (Susan: correct me if I am wrong!) And of course, the Barbie Dream House, Fashion Studio, and Skipper School. It should be noted yours truly had probably the only Tupperware container for some of the gobs a paraphernalia. Check out the photo Judy, you will be happy to know it is still in use.

I have laid the law down: these creatures of my past will not be used for today's toys. I took good care of them and nary a one was given a haircut. Lacy has around twenty-five Barbies, Bratz, and Brittney Spears dolls and just about everyone has some hideous chop job. I have tried to preserve some for her days of old but it has been hard to do. She did get to look at the dolls and all their clothes. She thought there were some pretty strange clothes "back in the olden days." Just wait Lace, your kids will howl over those goofy Bratz with no feet!