Maybe not even a mini, more like a full blown pet peeve but I have trouble with all the youngsters (a great word coined from my Grandma Snyder)and some oldsters who so impolitely pull out their cell phone every few minutes to check a text message. Then, to add more to the already tacky act, they text back. My question is: unless you are a president of a country or expecting an organ transplant can't the triviality of the message wait?? I have culled from inquiring conversations that most text messages are real heady stuff like, "What are you doing?" Which I am sure there is a special way to text the message, and when done it will look like a vanity license plate.
I have sat in the front row of a high school band concert and watched a mother text her son (who was out of school) during the performance. "He is always in touch with me, we're so close." (How puking cozy is that?) We had company the other day and during the visit he kept pulling out his BlackBerry to check. For what? He didn't seem to qualify as important enough to have his own red phone in my dining room. I had to remind my own daughter, from across the room, to put her cell phone away while at a jewelry party. Communication was made with the infamous imaginary throat slit. She rolled her eyes, but did put it away. My favorite was the ditsy mom who sat at the nail joint and repeatedly pulled out her phone with the free hand to "check" for messages. Her three year old was having a manicure at the same time. Go figure??
I refuse take on text messaging, my life is not that important, nor is anything that pertains to it, at least not until the needed liver transplant rolls around.
I whole heartedly agree with you!!
Only it's more than a mini pet peeve!!! Karlyn
This made me want to text you more than you will EVER know. (And I am by no means skilled at it so it wold have taken some effort.) As someone who has known you most of your life I gurantee with 100% certainty that had there been texting "back in the day" you would have been the all time champ - exhibiting every characteristic you now impune.
this is bill your son ....when everyone first started txting i thought it was stuipid like you do....... but now i think it is a handy an very useful tool
give it some time an you will be txting for sure
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