Saturday, March 31, 2012

Heat Wave

North Dakota is off the charts this year with weather. It is March 31st, and yes it went out like a lamb, it was 71 degrees today. I have been hanging clothes, off and on, outside on the line for weeks (I can be a hillbilly green girl real easy). Now we have trees budding out.

North Dakota is not noted for its beautiful spring as there is usually a blizzard or two in the forecast, or at least snow. The landscape can be carved out with dirty snowbanks and mud, mud, mud. Not this year. We have had about six inches of snow all winter.

I think it is rather haunting. After the horrific flood of June and July 2011 I am now convinced anything can happen when it comes to weather and water.

So if summer is on it way, pre-term, I better get my patio libations in order. Found this on Pinterist:


In a pitcher, combine equal parts (use the limeade can to measure):

Frozen limeade concentrate

add one Corona


Friday, March 30, 2012

Two Dolla, Lady, Just Two Dolla

Two dollars, that is my take home winnings from the razzle-dazzle-mega millions lottery. I doubt I will be up half the night plotting how to squander my newly acquired fortune. If I were seven, way back in 1961, yes, I would be thrilled to the moon and back. Two dollars would be almost a summers worth of candy; or maybe a breezy outfit for my new Barbie doll; or better yet, eight Archie comic books-the twenty-five cents variety.

Today we are looking at a coffee from Starbucks, and that's only if I buy it at Barnes & Noble and use my members card, or I could go with a small tin of Altoids or better yet, drum roll: a bottle of water!

Yes, the good life is yet another ticket away for this girl.

My next possibility is to actually know the winner. Ya, right.

What Goes Around, Comes Around

It was just a matter of time before illness struck. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Ron was severely slammed with a head cold. He hasn't been down with anything in a long time, despite brief interludes of: "I feel like shit." and off to the recliner he would go. But when he goes to bed and stays there all day, something's up.

Did I mention what a terrible patient he is/was?

Two weeks ago he had his first cataract removed. Pretty minor but necessary. The eyedrops have been a living-breathing-torture-nightmare for me. Not him, ME! Because I am the applicator person, he is the recipient. I tend to follow the doc's orders (two times, three times a day, etc.) and he prefers to do things his way. "That enough" would be a frequent response to my suggestion when it was time for more drops.

"Do you have to get so close with the dropper?" another complaint. "OH honey, let me toss this drop across the room and with any luck it will hit that left eye while it's open."

If it were my eyes, I would never deviated, one iota, from the prescribed plan. "Please dear God let my vision be the last to go."

Back to sick boy: his first thought after this cold struck was he had hantavirus, because the day before he helped his friend clean out his unused lake cottage.

"How come Richie didn't get it?" comment the wise and wonderful Mrs. Davis.

"Cuz he is rat shit."

I did think for awhile he may have influenza, H1N1 is suppose to be out and about in this area. But it soon became evident it was just a darn good head cold. Once again, he refused to try any OTC's to aleviate the symptoms. All he wanted to do was go to the doctor and "get something to get rid of it."

Did I miss the news alert there is still no cure for the common cold?

It's Friday morning, he lived and is flitting around like the old Ronson Bronson.

Guess who is now sporting "the cold?"

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Beast Returns

Blogging is therapy for me, plus I like to write. So if I blog regularly will I be a bit more in tune with the real me? Not likely.

The original blog was to concentrate on photography and writing. It became a monster for me, trying to outdo myself. And it was a behemoth project each time making sure everything was correct and worthy. I'm casting the early concept into the Dakota wind. Now I will write to vent, harp, inform and have fun.

So the first post in a long time is shaping up to be worthless. Stay tuned...