Sunday, December 26, 2010

Janet and Henry

Well, Santa did stop at our humble abode. My annual disappointment: he didn't leave me Darlene Love's singing voice. I have been asking for it for years and won't stop in the near future, but otherwise it was a very Merry Christmas.

My too-good-to-be-true husband showered me with the best of the best. One box was found on the dining room table on the afternoon of the 23rd, and the other nine stacked like shingle bundles on his side of the closet. I am glad he accidentally left one box out for an early discovery. A ten place setting of Fiesta ware, color: RED. We can use them Christmas Eve, how grand.

Now this wasn't a grab something quick event. I had been trying to make a Fiesta color selection for more than a few years and on the 23rd decided to drop the big hint. Color, what else, RED.

What in the world was I waiting for? So Ron, armed with the big hint and a fifteen percent off coupon, marched into Herbergers.

A ten place setting involves a little more than a big shopping bag. Each place setting has its own fairly good sized box (bigger than a shoe box) and he threw in some accessories: cake pan, salt and pepper shaker, cream and sugar bowl, and an oval bowl, (remember: too-good-to-be...). I was traipsing around the mall, swooping in on other purchases, I wasn't available to help with the haul. Besides, I didn't even know if my hint took. But just in case, I plied him the with the coupon; $121.00 savings - my mother would be so proud of him!

Now this Fiesta story has a wee mystery of its own. Christmas Eve afternoon I was taking each place setting out of the box and piling them up, as well as rearranging the cupboards to house my new prize(s). Too many auction sales, mom's, grandma's and Aunt Vi's dinnerware and glassware has made for overcrowding. And now there were even more to fill the cupboards.

Back to the unsolvable puzzle. I get to the third box and I open it and find this note.

And wrapped up on the side of the box is another set of salt and pepper shakers. I still don't know what to make of it. A wedding present it seemed, returned? Never delivered? Did poor Janet and Henry receive some acknowledgement?

So what do I do with it? I feel guilty putting somebody's gift in my cupboard.
Should I go to the store and ask if there is any hope of tracing the gift?

Well, I will have to think about it. But I was so ever curious as I opened the remaining seven boxes. But Janet and Henry didn't come through. Just like Santa and that chantuesey voice of Darlene Love.

Addendum: My ever so keen eye spotted Aqua Fiesta ware in "A Christmas Story", while Ralphie was dreaming of the Red Ryder (shoot your eye out) BB Gun.

1 comment:

Karlyn Frantsen said...

Wonderful prize (gift)- you're a keeper Ron! Red was a good choice I think, Mary Liz, and the note from Janet and Henry is fun! It would be nice to know the story!!