Friday, March 27, 2009

Garrison Keillor opens his weekly saga on Prairie Home Companion by telling us, "It has been a quiet week in Lake Wobegon." I wish I could say the same. Many events have taken place this week.

And now this morning Fargo is to have an even higher crest than ever before. Unprecedented flooding is occurring and the city is threatened. This early a.m. the Lindenwood park area is in jeopardy. That is part of my old neighborhood, so defined by the elementary school district. Mom and Dad's house (which is almost empty but not sold!) is not in immediate danger but the city is going into uncharted waters. OOO, bad pun. So who knows what could happen. Don, the angel unaware, who looks after their house is not too worried, but that was from our conversation on Tuesday.

Say some extra prayers for these superheros who are working endless hours to save a great little hamlet on the raging Red River.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I have been reading the online Forum all week. The immediacy of the WEB provides awesome coverage. I don't know where some of the neighborhoods most in jeopardy are - most are new since I lived there - so it is hard for me to get a bead on what is happening where - but I do recognize 4th St and Lindenwood! The ongoing hard work being provided by all is inspiring; again the WEB enables getting the word out in a way that was never possible with prior floods. My prayers are with Fargo and all the folks pulling together to save the city.