Friday, October 16, 2009


Mercedes has made the news. She is the first little baby with the white shirt on at the beginning of the clip. She sort of has the Grandma Davis look, "huh?" Mayor Curt Zimmbleman has proclaimed Pre-Term Birth Awareness Month. The clip goes very fast(I also had to wait quite some time for it to download) so if you missed it I will post her latest photos when she was at our house last weekend.

Grandma gear is engaged so let's show them all!!
The following: Lainey in the pumpkin patch.

This next one makes me laugh, I bet it goes with someone saying "Smile Lainey" at 2 1/2 years who knows what she thinks is a good smile.

Master Beau went to his first, of many I'm sure, Seattle Seahawks game. He brought them luck and they won after a few losses. Grandma even lightly follows the Seahawks!

Collin, he lives the closest and I haven't seen him in almost a month. Bad Grandma! I have to resort to an archived photo.


Karlyn Frantsen said...
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Karlyn Frantsen said...

I saw her!! She sure is a cutie as are your other grandchildren!!! (I removed my first comment as I spelled "you" instead of "your"!