To preface this gift let's begin with last year's holiday blog entry (click on 2008 - the last entry of the year) about the feeble pink Christmas tree collection I have. The entirety of my analects exists only on paper, in the form of greeting cards.
Now one of the unbeknownst perks of the activity department is we are the unofficial drop off center for many a bundle of used greeting cards. I soon loved to sort through the drop offs as some of the cards were extremely pretty, interesting, old, artsy, unique, some really worth setting aside. This is how the pink tree collection took shape.
The first card I saw, possibly eight years ago, was stuffed, by me, into my note card holder thingamajig that sits on my desk. I never quite got around to tossing it, along with a few hundred other things. The card was so unique in its color, I couldn't let it go. Before long the first pink card was soon joined (about two years later ) by another. It was then I took the two cards home and put them into a "favorite cards" box. Last Christmas another pink card surfaced, and voila! - I had THREE pink Christmas tree cards and decided I had a collection.
After the blog entry in December of 08 my old, really my oldest friend because Roxy Rodgers and I do not keep in touch, friend Susan thought I should scarf up a pink tree on e-bay. Not one to rush into things, I nixed the idea. But I did give thought to one I saw at Menards on clearance. "Naw, you don't need to spend money on a tree, a pink one at that." echoed my alter id.
Well yesterday Ron goes to get the mail and upon returning walks into the house and says, "Did you order a Christmas tree?" Befuddled by his question I marched into the dining room and what to my wondering eyes should appear, a tree - and the tree was pink!
It didn't take too much sleuthing on my part as to where the tree came from, or more like, WHO it came from. Once again Susan had laden me with gifts. This is her most outstanding one yet: my very own pink Christmas tree. What a merry season this will be.
Lacy thought it looked like we should eat it. Merry Pink Christmas!
P.S. for Susan: this really makes the Midge doll things increasingly harder for me to swallow. You must have some Jewish mother guilt blood running in your veins.
I just can't believe you know (or knew) a real live person named Roxy Rodgers. What a great name! I wonder what she's up to!
And just who is Roxy Rodgers? I have known you for almost 50 years and I have never heard you speak of Roxy Rodgers (I would have remembered had I ever heard that name before.)
Not sure why you would think that pink tree was from me - maybe Santa finally caught up on his blog reading from last Christmas. Yes? Possibly?
MERRY CHRISTMAS! "May your days be merry and pink!" And before you feel too guilt ridden: Michael's - clearance - 2008. Sent after having spent a very warm summer in the garage.
Roxy Rodgers...?!
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