My dear sweet mother passed away yesterday, the 27th of January, about 1:15 in the afternoon. How I will miss her, but yet know she is in a better place.
She had been hospitalized last week for pneumonia and dehydration. After some aggressive antibiotics and IV fluids she responded fairly well. My brother Tom was here for the weekend and had some good time with her.
Maybe she figured her ducks were in a row now after his visit and decided it was time.
She went pretty peaceful, after a few short hours of distress. It was much to be thankful for. I have seen families wait and wait, while praying for peace.
She was ninety four and had a nice life. I will always love and miss her.
You can only have one mother
Patient, kind and true;
No other friend in all the world,
Will be the same to you.
When other friends forsake you,
To mother you will return.
As we look upon her picture,
Sweet memories we recall,
Of a face so full of sunshine,
And a smile for one and all.
Sweet Jesus, take this message,
To our dear mother up above;
Tell her how we miss her,
And give her all our love.
Author Unknown -
Taken from Hazel Gackle's funeral bulletin.
January 26, 2009.
MaryLiz, I love the picture and what a special tribute to your mom! Know that you are in my prayers and thoughts!!! Will miss you tomorrow and wish I could be with you on Saturday! Karlyn
I certainly was not expecting this when I did my Blog logging tonight. I am so sorry to hear about you mom. My memories of her go way back ("Hello, Mrs.Elizabeth - is Mary there?"). I remember her serving us lunch at your kitchen counter when I would walk home with you from Clara Barton (and the fact she got milk in glass milk bottles!). And, of course, the fact that she bought you that cool matching bedroom furniture that I coveted. And that as practical as she was she bought a full BOX of marshmallow Santas at Christmas time (such extravagance!). And that you were both luck enough to see each other every day this last year - what a true gift. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I could be in Fargo on Saturday.
Thanks Susan, I wish you could have had your Mom as long I did. But don't forget - your Mom was way too cool. She wore pale frosted lipstick, that you and I could sample, when Evie was into howling red. We both have such special memories of two special people. Love, ML
Mary Liz
I decided I needed to get on your blog for the first time tonight and was shocked to read about your mom. You were blessed to have her so many years and what a special lady she was. Gave her a few gray hairs myself. Always felt at home with both your parents.
Wish all of us could be there on Saturday for you. Know that we are in our thoughts and prayers.
Talk soon. Mac
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