It has not been a quiet week, and of course the blog suffers. I lost last weekend to pain, pain and then more pain. Not ever having had back issues it was an eye opener. Sunday was the worst: endlessly searching for a position of comfort. It was, at times, an interesting dance as I could not always put weight on my left leg.
Sciatic nerve is my armchair diagnosis.
Monday was the start of methylprednisone, a nice little jump start to reduction of inflammation and pain. It was a near fix. The pred ended yesterday and now it is a wait and see. I did do PT at the nursing home and have considered a chiropractor. I have never been to a bone crusher and am a little ambivalent to start. I am afraid he will tell me all the crooked things I possess and how doomed I am. "Sign up girl we may have you adjusted in a few years."
I have been faithful with the heat and ice, stretching, but about 4 am seems to be the bewitching hours and I traipse to the recliner with the heating pad, blue ice (I have upgraded from the spinach bag after it starting leaking) and a belly full of pain meds. By sun up I am for the most part in the land of the living.

Let's talk pain meds. I was given Tramadol: take 1 tablet three time a day as needed for pain. Bonk - I was taking x2 every 4-6 hours and not getting a bucket of relief. So I called the drug store yesterday to get a refill. Bonnie told me she couldn't refill until Monday. Oh Oh, over medicated!!! And for the over medication my pain was still an issue, just not a hell roaring issue.
Good thing it didn't kill me. I would have really gotten behind on the blog.
Sure am glad that didn't happen!!!! I've been missing your blog entries the way it is!!!! KF
Judy read your blog with much interest. She, too, has had siatica (can still feel the remnants) and until then she said she did not know what real pain was. I myself have suffered from back and neck problems for years. Latest is bone spur in my neck that is pressing a nerve - it hurts most of the time - especially when I do PC work. Plan is for surgery (just saw the Surgeon last Friday in fact). It is not as bad as siatica though - I do believe that.
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