Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Back In My Groove

After a whirlwind summer, one thing after another, I am back in my office with every intention of  some consistent posting.  I repeatedly amazed myself, all summer long, with one excuse after another to refrain from writing.  I do have to concede:  the upstairs is not air-conditioned so my little nest often was a steam bath.

Now it is the 18th of September and my office view is still green leaves, although a tour of the valley, as recent as yesterday, shows the gold is arriving.  The newspaper remarked it will be a weak showing of adornment, related to the drought, but it still will "color-up."

Twenty years ago today - on a Friday,  about this exact time- 10:00 in the morning,  I was sitting on the piano bench listening to Jim Sewick give devotions to the SVCC residents.  I looked out over the Mouse River valley and the trees were in full autumnal ornamentation.  It struck me at that moment, what a glorious area we live in.  Maybe the devotions were drumming home to me the splender of our world and our Creator always at work.

Quite a memory you ask?  Well, the secret to this retrospection is that on the 19th of September, 1992, my fourth son was born, Carsten Jacob Espeseth.  Tomorrow he will be twenty, leaving his teen years behind and entering the twenties.   The 18th of September I remember well.

Will I  remember forty years from now, September 18th?   I will be 98 and may still be coming up with excuses!

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