The 2008 Velva High School Grand March is but a memory. Karlie is still out making her memories, and will be for a few more hours. I, on the other hand, will remember many other things of the first prom with a daughter. I've been down this road with the boys, but you haven't really done a prom until it is with a daughter. WOW!
It all began when she announced she was going to the Minot High Prom. I believe I got wordy: "Oh?" Before it was even an equation, with a guy we had never heard of, it was dust. She was going to the Velva Prom with an old boyfriend who already has a girlfriend but wasn't going. "Oh!"
Moving on to the main component, after securing a date, was the dress. Before we tread into this arena, let me remind you that today's teens are already a big line item in your budget. They have things we (boomers) didn't even dream of, let alone have. So Karlie and I struck out to three shops - bridal and prom only. I swooned when I thought of the wedding days down the road. "Please elope" could a possible future mantra. I don't really want to deny her all those memories of a wedding day, but heavens the commercial field has keyed into millions of lovebird suckers, just like the prom event, "There is money to be made in them there whooptee doos." And we're right there with our plastic.
Back to the dress. We had discussed of couple of scenarios, being kind to the bottom line. I said, "Well, try some on and see what size you wear,(ahh, that would be a 2!) see what you like." Interesting. Some barely had enough fabric from the waist up to make a sunbonnet for a dachshund. Others had bead work enough to tilt the car. Those looked like mermaid suits. Every color, style and yes, yardage. Those, of course, were up in the 26W's. Omar the tent maker is still alive and working.
At Mary Me she tried on a dress that became, the dress. It was stunning on her, she looked like Cinderella. Gold bead work (lightly done) and a chiffon skirt that plumed out from her little Scarlett O'Hara waist. It had the makings of a princess. Our princess.
Then came the price tag. It was time for more words, "Oh my." Next step, haul in Dad to win him over, much like the dress did for us. After all justifying that kind of money is a joint effort. Yes, he was won over and forked over. In addition, he bought her the $40.00 (with 20% off both dress and jewelry) necklace. You'll see it again at the wedding, and every other function of note.
Before this gala event took place there were many other items of cost before the total package came down the stairway. Tanning, toenails, fingernails, eyelashes, (they have come a long way since those ones we would buy at the Ben Franklin) garter, flowers, dinner at the most expensive restuarant in Minot. I was told this is the prom. I still wonder how the limo was overlooked. There was one in town, you hitched on with them for sixty skins a couple. You understand my future wedding fears?
But after all it is only money and it was going fast. To see her and Brady, the already has a girlfriend date, make their spotlighted appearance during the grand march, it was pretty much worth it. At the close of the grand march all could say was, "Oh, ya."
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