I knew it was just a matter of time before I rejoined the ranks of Weight Watchers. Twenty-two pounds over my goal and I am back paying to lose. I joined in June of '06 after my doctor told me to either lose some weight and drop your cholesterol or go on medication. Being a wild child of the late 60's and 70's you would have thought I'd have opted for the drug regime. Bonk, wrong answer.
In November of '06 I lost 29 pounds and became a lifetime member. I did well, even through the months of rich steaming Tom & Jerry's. T&J's are my winter favorite with dark rum instead of brandy, oh my that is another story in itself. Anyway, I kept it off for the most part, with a few pounds creeping on here and there. I was even exercising - the ultimate secret to any weigh loss plan.
But in July of '07 my Dad had an aortic aneurysm repaired. The surgery was successful, it was the recovery that wasn't. Aspiration pneumonia set in and it wore him down enough to die on September 14th. It was during those struggles I too gave up the careful strategies Weight Watchers had taught me.
During the 7 weeks of Dad's downward spiralling my brother and I spent some wonderful time together. We ate and drank in many a Fargo establishment, almost daily, and then some. We dined at "Mexican Village", which Tom said is the best Norwegian Mexican a guy could ever want; the "HoDo", which was the Hotel Donaldson when we were young - a veritable fleabag affair, now it is up upscale.
And then there was this great Italian Restaurant (more upscale) in downtown Fargo, Tosca's or something like that. We arrived about 7:45, hardly an odd dining time, only to be turned away because they stopped serving by 8:00 p.m. Next door the VFW (to old Fargoans - The Black Angus) had some battle of the bands on Tues, Wed, and Thursday nights making fine dining near impossible. If they all had that service plan when we arrived I may not be back at Weight Watchers.
I have this theory, unproven - as most all of mine are, once you get back into the swing of fabulous and reckless dining things just go to hell, really fast. I have the over fifty metabolism which is as speedy as cold Karo Syrup, and the uncanny ability to have about 40 reason why not to exercise, road work as my brother calls it. So you see it really isn't hard to understand why I am back counting points, panting on the treadmill and digging out the old sizes as I plan to work my way down to a size 8 again. Tip: don't throw out the old sizes with that funny notion you'll not need these anymore. A few Rubbermaid containers and you will always have slacks that fit!
Determination isn't my long suit but I sure hope I can dissolve some fatty deposits before too long. Swimsuit season is just around the corner, and I don't want to be one of those bulky girls who everyone wishes would cover up or just go home. I also hope that by making a bold blog statement I won't fall off the wagon assuming no one will know of my latest attempt at weight loss. Heaven forbid should I become a multiple repeat offender with little to no rehab potential, a.k.a.blissfully fat!
1 comment:
Good luck with your excercising and weight watchers! I know that you'll succeed! Sure do like your writings! You're good! KF
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