Having many little odd collections started - some on hold, some forgotten about, some over done - this is a little assemblage (three!) of pink trees on greeting cards. The first one is rather recent, but the last two are moderately old, possibly from the sixties. (yikes) Before I tuck them into a box with my other old cards, I thought I would post them.

I love the first one!
You might want to consider what you herald as "a collection" on your blog....this post may result in you receiving more pink trees than you could possibly imagine existed. Better to tell us you collect rare coins, diamonds, orignal Picasso drawings. You know - something to enable your retirement!
Hey Susan, remember the pale blue flocked tree that Gillam's had in their living room (the good Living Room that we didn't really get to go in)each Christmas? When I think of pink trees, I think of her.
Well it's not too late - right now on Ebay - for a mere $399 (marked DOWN from $850 - a $450 savings!) you can have a pink pre-lit tree that will rival anything from the 60s.
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