Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sciatic Nerve Pain Strikes Again

My week from hell appears to be waning. Another blast of sciatic nerve pain almost tumbled me into the great abyss of hopelessness. Nobody was around when I kept asking for the gun, may be why I am still here. After eight days of whining, crying, massages, ice and more ibuprofen than is realistic, I think I am coming around.

The trouble came out of nowhere, the shooting pain with no position of comfort whether it be lying down, sitting or walking. I quickly hit for the sick bed as I could hardly stand up, but not before grabbing my trusty Rubbermaid ice packs - which by the way, I am actually wearing out. Have you ever heard of such a thing?? No beer or cooler was involved. (I told you - the great abyss!)

Ron was on winter hiatus to Arizona and not to return until Thursday. I was left to the care and comfort of three self indulgent children who have about as much sympathy built into their psyche as a pack of L.A. gang members. It is quite hard to manage a house, children and of course, the never ending mess while fading into the white sheets and massive piles of pillows.

Sciatic nerve pain sucks!

I did implement massage therapy, which was successful for me before, that would be the August adventure. I cannot do a chiropractor/bone crusher. Admittedly I did try in August but when she dropped the middle of the table and I knew some part of my body was going down that far I thought,

“Hell no, this ain’t for me.”

I hadn’t voiced those words yet to my gal, but when she said you’ll need to come back in a few days (sure baby – now you want to fix what you just wrecked and I can pay to boot!) but first wanted me to see her sister, a massage therapist, to warm up my muscles before she contorts me into pretzel formation. I did as I was told, but left her in the dust.

How little I know. I thought a massage was a Valentine gift, or an indulgence of some sort. Danielle, my gal now- and the chiropractor’s sister, said in reality very few of her clients visit for fun. I guess when I didn’t have any problems I took little notice of that segment of the medical world.

Massage, in the depths of sciatic pain, loosens the tight inflamed muscles that are wrapped around the sciatic nerves and increases blood flow to the area. It isn’t an instant fix, but I believe it expedites the relief process. She told me the stretching exercises I needed to do, and ice every hour. The ice, in itself, is a lifesaver for the chilling process almost deadens the pain.

Ron came back on Thursday, after I drove to Bismarck to meet his plane – that trip nearly did me in- and he has been helpful when I have my crashing moments. I still have low endurance, especially when standing and walking, On Sunday, Valentine’s Day, I hit a low with situational depression. My world was a mess, I was an awful mother, I missed my mom, (she was the only one who would have understood) I cried and wanted to know what was my purpose in this world. In short, I was mess. What a Valentine’s treat for Ron.

I also endured that grueling week, a cut and color the day before Ron came back. I am truly my mother’s daughter. She would be so proud. Nothing short of death, stops a hair appointment.

My practicioner who helped me in August feels I should come in for a MRI to further explore what is going on. The x-ray back then revealed nothing with the bone setup, so on to the next phase. In my reading, a variety of triggers are possible for these flare-ups: from no known reason; some bad moves, to pinching of the disc, with recurrences probable (yippee). I do plan to pursue further for some possible explanations. Twice, in the parameters of six months, is enough for me to take it to the next level.

A side note: After the pain subsided to a functional level I went to our local clinic to find out I had sinusitis, fever, sore throat and swollen glands. This was in full sail last week but the sciatic pain cancelled out any thoughts of other maladies. I couldn’t understand why I had a continuous headache, day after day, with all the ibuprofen on board. Now I know why.


Nicole Reid said...

Holy moly! You know they shoot horses for less don't you? Glad you hung in there. My own two cents: while I love that table that drops and would gladly pay for a visit to the bone cruncher, stretching exercises have done wonders for me. Hope you're feeling better, both emotionally and physically!

Karlyn Frantsen said...

Glad you're a little better- so sorry for your predicament- you needed a friend to stop by and help- sorry this one didn't do that!! Here's to a better weekend!!!

Susan said...

Judy will be so empathetic when she reads this. She has never been the same since she had her first bout. Incredibly, this is one thing I do not have. Glad you are doing a bit better. I hope you are nearing the end of this like last summer's "spell." And glad it didn't happen in Vegas!!!!