Friday the 20th and after some harsh words and tense moments we were on the road by 12:30 pm. What you could see of the road that is. We had a few inches of snow to blow around with 25 mph winds, North Dakota style. It made this destination even more enticing.
Arrived in Bismarck by 3:30 pm and went directly to Applebees. A night sleep and we were on our shuttle to the airport by 6:45 am. We were off, flying the friendly skies. But not before spotting Governor John Hoeven, who flagged me and my Nikon with a wave.
Mickey, the Mrs Gov. was with. My she is skinny. Not enough buttered lefse in her diet. We sat with his Chief of Staff, Mr. Raushenburger, (Incidentally, Governor Hoeven and Mickey flew coach, good use of our tax $$) who's Dad was from Kief. For the non locals Kief is a microscopic village about 30 miles from Velva. It is almost a Velva connection. They were all on their way to DC after arriving in Minneapolis, where all of North Dakota connects with the outside world.
Our flights were uneventful after that brush with greatness. As we are sitting on the runway waiting to blast off I captured this shot out my window. Upon close observation, in the distance, you see a row of what looks like white smoke. That is a snowplow ripping open a North Dakota snow chugged road. Do you have any idea how common that scene is this winter?
We are now resting at the Miami Airport Hilton, pretty upscale for the likes of us. Ever on the prowl for an interesting event I did spot this little runabout out our hotel window.
By the way, just because I am on vacation I don't feel the need to curb by imbibing. This is what a $10.00 Caesar's, at the Miami Hilton, looks like. I had it made with Absolute Vodka, just for you Jolene. It was tasty.
Have a FABULOUS time!!! Get some sun, booze and RELAX!!!
I am already loving the play-by-play - and you just barely left ND! Applebee's, hotel, the Govenor (in coach) with picture, Miami got it all! Keep it coming. Travel safely. Enjoy, enjoy!
I loved hearing from you already, too, and the photos and narration are wonderful! I can't wait to see your next blog and photos!! Hope you'll be in some of the pics, too! Did I tell you to have some fun for me, too? Am going to Williston tomorrow for practice and overnight vacation!!!!!! God bless! Karlyn
Glad you are having fun. Enjoy the week off and see you next week
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