These surfs are rapid during the week where time is of the essence and it seems there are 101 things to do or 101 things left undone. But Saturdays and Sundays are different. My first hit was to see if the newly acquired site New Old Age Blog had an update. I recently stumbled upon this while reading something else in the New York Times. So far it seems good. And after all I am in the business of old people, not to mention in personal pursuit of...
Seeing there were no recent updates I though I would go to the home page of the Times looking for other goodies to read. This was my find: Growing Up Buckley in the Sunday Times Magazine. It is a wonderful read by Christopher Buckley,the only child of ultra conservative columnist, essayist and opinionated William F. and Pat Buckley. In the fifties William F. founded the The National Review and later hosted television's "Firing Line" for what seemed like an eternity. This missive is taken from the younger Buckley soon to be published book.

Christopher writes of his newly acquired parent less status and the wild ride of being their child. At 55 he was "orphaned" in 2007 and 2008. Buckley the son tells of hugely witty events as well as tearful tender moments involving these two interesting people he calls Mum and Pup. Chris is a delightful humorist and writer; it is well worth the time (it is rather lengthy by Internet standards) it takes to stumble over the big words (japery - a new fave!) He comes by his verbosity rightly so, William F. was also noted for uncommon word usage.
Now the patient wait. The full course book is due out next month.
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