Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I know a potential train train wreck when I see one, and Michelle Obama is running on loose track. What is is with this getup? This smacks of getting chilly and grabbing the only sweater available, carelessly flung on the back of a chair. You know the look, your mother did it and now you have done it once or twice. This argyle ribboned up nightmare doesn't even fit well. Color, I'll give her a 5, it matches the dress.

I knew the dress on the night of victory was trouble and (remember the Halloween remake?)set the stage for the next four years, now I have backup. Bonnie Fuller, a noteable blogger of the Huffingtonpost couldn't agree more. She spoke of the "meet the queen" outfit looking more like a PTA mom outfit. Had it been in a light color I would have thought of June Cleaver.

I am not smart enough to follow Obama politics but I do like to jump on an occasional fashion band wagon. So for the next four years I will be focusing more on Michelle. I am what I am.