One of my favorite pastimes, when I am semi-stranded with nothing to do or read, is just plain watch the crowd. What they wear, their hair, try to figure the configuration of the who they are with - parent, child, boyfriend, their kids, his kids, her kids. I assume I am wrong half the time, probably more than half, but just to observe or more to the point, notice, it is a great free hobby.
One of my newer noticing talents has been to detect breast implants. Possibly because there are more "new" ones around. I am not an expert nor am I any good at spotting reductions, but the implants seem to speak loud and clear on their own behalf. Don't get me wrong, I don't condemn or fault for any unnatural intrusion of a person's own body. In fact, if I could, I wouldn't mind leg extensions, enough to balance out the upper torso. Lord knows I have enough material to stretch out of my current legs. About 3-4 inches would be enough. And by the way, I would like them slim shapely while I am on the cutting board. Oh, never mind about me...
Let me tell you some of the hallmark signs of breast implants. First and foremost would be revealing necklines. It can be -40 below zero with a hollowing northwest wind and nary do the owners cover up the decolletage. There is always cleavage somewhere to be seen. In warm sunny weather, the halter top is the only top. And the halter fabric never seems to meet in the middle. Why is that? Last but not least, is the globular setting of each distinctive breast. They go from ground zero to grapefruit perfectness. And because they are never covered up or tucked securely into well fitting supportive brassiere, you just know they are the made-to-order variety. I wouldn't be surprise if a push up bra is worn to enhance the bought and paid fors.
Recently on the Huffingtion Post they had a piece on movie stars and their implants. I would give a click to the web site at this time, but I didn't want this to take on an ogle overture. You'll just have to go the Huffpo yourself and toggle around to to see what I am talking about.
There was one set though that is worth showing. It is so bad that if I were the recipient I would go for his or her significant part and render it just as hideous as the double barrels she is sporting. And what is with the Xiphoid? (that thingy sticking out below her-overexposed sternum) It looks like the doc left in a chili pepper. It makes for a fairly good fit should she should ever need CPR. But the last word is undoubtedly - she got rooked!!

1 comment:
HOLY COW!!! That's all I can say about that! Karlyn
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