For every bit of fifty years I remember this piece of equipment stashed in the garage, a curiosity to no one until now. When I unloaded it out of the van Ron looked at me like I was nuts.
"What are you going to do with that?" were the first words out of his mouth.
"Cultivate, what else." I retorted smoothly.
"That's why I bought you the little tiller."
"This is eco friendly. Our carbon foot print just got a little smaller and besides we won't have to spend any money on gas, so there." At this point he knew the conversation was over.
It wasn't until about a week or two later that I actually got some field time with my little gem, and am I ever pleased! I can whistle through my garden in no time. Yes sirree, I am a pretty happy farmer these days.
As I am sitting on the grass along side the garden(surely wiping my sweaty brow after extensive field work!) I spotted a tag hanging on the wheel. Ever so carefully I wiped away the fifty plus years of grime and this is what I read:
The Garden Master no doubt was one of the assorted goods my mother brought into her second marriage. Don, the first Mr. Evie, died in 1949 and she married my Dad in 1953. As he would so humorously tell, "When I married Evie she came complete with a house and a car. The only thing I had to do was take over the payments on the TV."
The TV, the house, the car, mom and dad - they are all gone now, but the Garden Master lives on.
**Double-click on the photos to read the tags.
Just when I thought I knew everything there was to know about Chez Snyder you surprise me with the Garden Master. Even I am intrigued by it - makes tilling the garden look as close to fun as it gets. Everything old IS new again....
I can totally picture the look on Dad's face so that was worth a good chuckle this morning. You are one interesting lady ML! That's why we love you!
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