I found this little blurb about Angelina Jolie and her newest tat. She has the latitude and longitude of all her kids' birthplace tattooed on her upper right arm. I don't rightly know what the hieroglyphics are down her back.
It has me pondering the question. Does this make me less of a Mom because I don't have Fargo, Minot, Minot, Minot emblazoned on my arm? What would I put for Karlie and Lacy?
Come to think of it I don't have any tattoos on any part of me. It doesn't serve any purpose to mar up perfectly good skin. I wonder what survivors of Nazi Concentration Camps think when they see a tattoo. They were forced to be branded for their Judaism.
Just for the record, we have yet to have any female residents with tattoos. But I bet it won't be long. I have spotted a few on some pretty old looking gals hunching around Minot. Not that they are really old, but they look like they have ran some hard miles in the last ten or twenty years. Don't even get me started on smoking, sun, and skin!!
Angelina also better keep an eye on that mole in the upper left corner. It could be trouble further on down the road.,
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