My grandma had played in her nursing home's golf tournament. (It was a fundraising event, not taking a bus load of resident to play golf!) It was so unbelievably windy her team gave up after 10 holes, as many did. I though was that was grand - she wasn't worn out when I arrived.
We hang out so good together. She says it is because I am such a sweetie pie and naturally even tempered.
It wasn't long before Grandma took out the trusty Nikon and snapped away. I can't wait until I am older and then for each picture I can say, "Let me see, let me see." It goes with the digital age and being a kid.
I am getting so close to laughing out loud. Maybe Grandma could speed things along if she had better jokes, or goofier faces (she's close though). Although she is rather a hoot when she does that gutteral cooing thing. Who's idea was it anyway for us to sputter as our first formal communication?
Buddy and Kidee sure like it when I come a calling. Buddy sits by me on the floor, only because grandma won't let him lie on the mat, which he really wants to do. Kidee likes the Mozart music that plays out of my play mat. (Why does Grandma keep ooohing over my toys?? and then says something like: "Gees, this is cool.") He also attempts to bat at some of my hanging toys but soon saunters off to do what he does best - sleep. For a 10 month old kitten, I am sure glad no one named him Zip.
Well, until next time. Have a good day, Merecedes.
P.S. On Wednesday I will be 3 months old. Hopefully before too long I will weigh a whole 10 pounds.
Great photos grandma, and interesting script Mercedes!! Glad you two had a fun time! Karlyn
Beau is a bit jealous. He wants to show off all his tricks. You're a beautiful girl Mercedes!!
I am still working on Grandpa to have a quick weekend. Stay tuned... Love, GML
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