Drum roll...A SERGER. Isn't that over the top exciting?
I have wanted one for many years but have heard of the horrific tales of threading the beast. Ms. Retiree now has time to tame monster. And it isn't bad at all, once you know what your doing. How's that for thought provoking: "once you know..."
Sewing for me goes back to my mom's treadle machine tucked neatly in the laundry room. I was intrigued with construction of fabric. So intrigued I once stitch my index finger in haste. That hurt, one neat puncture, blue air and tears. I now look at my home construction of Barbie doll clothes and realize I had no talent but the love of the stitch was there.
Evie eventually upgraded the treadle to an electric machine, with a foot peddle. And then when I was in the seventh grade, the black unit went in for repairs. A loaner came back with her: a brand spankin' new Singer - zigzag - sewing machine. Marvelous marketing ploy, it never left the house as Evie shelled out for the beautiful piece. The machine and cabinet now resides in Chicago with my sister-in-law Nancy.
It went to the windy city as I didn't need one. I have a terrific Singer machine that Myles gave me on our first Christmas, (here is where the romance ends )so I could patch his coveralls. It is still in use today, as my trusty Singer sewing machine. Never once have I considered a new one. This first Christmas present will be thirty-six years old, and hasn't let me down yet.
So about 3 weeks ago, after much deliberation, comparison, and visiting with other serger owners, I settled on the Pfaff coverlock. It has 10 settings for various stitches, chain stitch, cover hem, rolled hem. There is much I need to learn but I am excited for the challenge.
Ron's a little worried about not "getting our money's worth out of it," because I am not sitting in front of it all the time. So I painted a little scenario: when you bought your reciprocating saw you didn't come home and start cutting all the walls down now did you? In fact, now that I think about it I don't ever recall seeing him use the saw.
Well, I am not going to let him dash the 2010 toy fun. Happy serging to me!
Yes, happy serging to you!!!! How exciting, and I knew you were getting one, but my memory is fast fading!!! You'll have to keep us posted on how it's working!!!
Wow! Sewing machine or NASA launch device? I got intimidated just looking at the picture! I have never even heard of these, but I am intriqued. I can't wait to see what you make with it. (Is there anything it can't make????) My Mom had an Elna sewing machine that hated me. The green beast! She didn't sew a lot - but when she did she was quite good at it (not me). Then she bought a used Singer - that I still have, as it is the only machine I can thread much less use - and I largely use it to mend blue jeans. It really is idiot proof. GOOD LUCK WITH TOY 2010!
That thing looks like a beast! Whatever does it do that a regular sewing machine doesn't? If anyone can master it, it would be you!! Good luck!
OMG. All the build up for a super duper sewing machine? I was expecting a Playstation 3. LOL.
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