It is a beautiful day on the Dakota plains, despite the wind; temperature in the 50's. I took the lazy way out this year and we went into Minot for the Easter Buffet. The hardest work I've done so far is getting ready. I've decided this has been a nice, stress free Easter.
We no longer have the Easter bunny routine to do, other than to see that the grand kids are accommodated.
For many many years this was the holiday I took the kids to Fargo. Myles stayed home, as we were always calving. Some years I went on icy roads and other it was nice. Depends on when the first Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring falls.
Grandma Evie always made ham and the most awesome, melt in your mouth, scalloped potatoes. Now half of my family doesn't like them.
"I like 'em the way the school makes em."
What a way to win over your mother. Erik wanted the recipe when he and Nicki married; what a nice compliment. She prefers them the way her mom likes them.
Grandma's recipe was easy: Heat on the stove a pint of whipping cream and a little (3/4 cup) water. As the cream is heating, slice peeled potatoes into the cream. Cook in the oven at 350 degrees until thick. Cook time varies, but 1.5 hours is a start. Heating the cream helps jump start the cooking time. One also has to judge the number of people you are feeding, therefore increase the cream, water and spuds. Legend has it that adding salt will curdle the cream. I never did add salt either. I would always inform the "eaters" don't forget to salt your potatoes.
This little family recipe is guaranteed to add inches to your waistline and decrease the viability of all your arteries.
Jump back to the Minot buffet. I did take the trusty Nikon, embarrassing most of the family by shooting away. Mercedes was the only happy camper.
I miss ham and scalloped potatoes for Easter. Robert doesn't like ham but I love it.
Those scalloped potatoes sound wonderful. We always had those with Easter dinner.
You and you know why my grandma spoiled me so much. (Puts it all in perspective, doesn't it?)
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